
How to heal body pain in surrey

Hypnotherapy for physical body pain

On a global scale, those suffering from chronic or consistent pain in an area are around 1 in 5 people. That is about 1.5 billion people total. This is a growing problem, especially as the pain we feel in our bodies is not only from stressful situations and how we handle our overall well-being but also from not doing anything to work on eliminating that pain. This is spread evenly around the world.

Of this population, around 70% are female, and the range of chronic pain can vary greatly. Chronic pain includes constant joint pain, back pain, and consistent migraines. Many people in their lifetime will experience chronic pain at some point in their lives, with it also leading to higher levels of depression.

With this combination of both physical and mental health being affected, it’s important to note there are procedures you can take to combat this chronic pain and not have to lose hope. The first step on this journey of healing is to understand what is behind chronic pain based on where it is coming from.

Understanding pain

Pain is a way of letting us know about deeper underlying issues that need to be resolved. Once you can understand what your pain is trying to tell you, you can do the appropriate therapy to focus on those underlying issues.

At the top, when you have shoulder pain – it’s due to shouldering too much responsibility or problems. As you get down to the neck pain, that’s trying to say you may not be flexible in life. Down to chest pains is related to your overall emotional health and state.

If you start to feel pain in your hands, it could mean you’re not willing to let go of something that’s not beneficial to you. Your stomach pains are all about difficulty with accepting a challenge, others or your current state in life, and finally, your knee pain is all about fear of moving forward. If your thyroid is in pain, there’s something you need to speak about and get it out in the open.

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

How does Hypnotherapy help against this physical pain?

This isn’t about tricking your mind into not feeling the pain. Instead, it helps bring you to a calm state where you can listen to your breathing and that peaceful state. During this relaxed state, you start to be in a comfortable state of mind to get to the root of the problem that’s this underlying cause. Once there, Hypnotherapy will focus on the issue and resolve it. Whatever the mental pain point is, once eliminated will start to reduce the pain you’re feeling in a specific place.

Keep in mind Hypnotherapy is not a one-and-done situation but requires practice and consistency. You’ll start to work on it yourself to build those 10 to 20 minutes of clearing your mind, finding the source of the pain, and eliminating it over time. Feel free to reach out to us to understand it more.

One FREE online Hypnotherapy for pain Consultation

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